Saturday, March 27, 2010

COMICS: Another One Down

This from me, NOT some reprinted material. - OlderMusicGeek

Dick Giordano died yesterday. He was an incredible inker who help Neal Adams created the look he gave Batman. He eventually became an editor and the executive editor of DC Comics. His influence on comics cannot be exaggerated.

As tribute, I present my favorite panel that he ever inked, from Superman Vs Mohammad Ali. Double click on the art to see a bigger version.

Friday, March 19, 2010

MUSIC: Question From FormSpring.Me - Who's the most overrated musician?

Well, I have to admit that I can't stand Celine Dion and Micheal Bolton. I think Micheal Bolton has done more for African-American music than Pat Boone - and I'll leave it at that!

Then there is the Journey/Styx/Boston/Foreigner conspiracy. Always hated that stuff.

And Hall and Oates. The big problem with their music is it's not that horrible - though it's bad enough! - but it's so damn catchy, it just stays in your head!

Ask me anything

BOOKS: Question From FormSpring.Me - What was your favorite book as a child?

As a pre-teen, it was "Man of Bronze", the first Doc Savage book. As a fairly intelligent boy who was unsuccessful with the ladies, I could relate. Of course, I don't think Doc had the same problem that I did!

Hmmmm, but if he was a transsexual in denial, it would really put an interesting spin on the relationship with his five associates!

As a kid, I really liked "Fox in Socks"!

And ever since high school, I have been madly in love with "The Odyssey". Odysseus is the most awesome man ever! Strong, courageous, humble, and a dedicated husband to boot!

Ask me anything